Baby Christian

Baby Christian
Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 27th

He looks really ticked off in that last picture, huh? Had to put that one in. Along with the bath in Grandma Whee's sink (with grandma's fat arms!).
Christian is doing very well. He is now 9 pounds exactly. They are talking of doing his next surgery in April or May. We will keep you all posted on that.
He is just getting cuter and cuter every day. He is laughing and smiling all of the time! He lays and coos at you like he is telling you the most important story. And he is!
We sure do love this little guy!
Bryan has to go for flight school soon. He will be gone for a few months. I think Nicole and Christian will be with us quite a bit. That will be nice.
Thanks for dropping in! I will post more news and photos soon!


Anonymous said...

I have the best boy in the world!

nwscrapmom said...

Cute new pictures ~ thanks for the update. Boy, he does look ticked in the last picture, though.

Denise said...

I think you are right. Every new picture I see of him he gets cuter and cuter!!