Baby Christian

Baby Christian
Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's Been Too Long

So, wow... So many hings have changed since the last post. Bad news first... Bryan and I separated. Long and drawn out story, but life goes on and we are both very focused on making sure that our son is well cared for and loved. Now all of the good things... He is talking! Yay! He has become an expert in sign language as I have taught him to communicate that way since he refused to speak. However, the other day, as we were snuggling in bed (our morning ritual) he lay there stroking my arm whispering "Mama, eat. Mama, eat." I was so shocked, but it was the sweetest thing EVER! So I got up and we made pancakes together. When I sat him in his high chair, he pointed to his pancake and said "pancake". Can you believe it!? He just woke up and decided to talk! I love it. He still uses sign all day, but he says new words every day! Goodness this is so exciting! He has been doing well health wise. He had a bit of a bug for about two weeks that really had me concerned, but all checked okay and he was better in no time. He is so dang smart it amazes me! Here are a few new pictures of my little man!

Getting his first haircut... he didn't like it AT ALL!

All done with the hair cut! A much happier baby boy!

He loves balloons. Flashing his signature smile!

His mustache that he got out of the toy machine! He loved it!

All his teeth! Yay! What a cute little smile!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Getting BIIIIIG!

Hello friends! Is this weather not awesome!? We have made the most of it by spending plenty of time out in the sun looking like white sunblock monsters! Christian loves playing outside... it's almost like pulling teeth to get him back inside! We had to go visit Dr. Chunn, Christian's pediatrician... turns out that our little man has acid reflux. Seriously, if it's not one thing with him, it's another... poor guy. So we have another medication to add to his list. There really isn't too much to report right now... I can't complain though. A calm life is a less stressful life in my eyes! We hope that every body is well and in good health.

Very special thanks to Jessica Coleman for taking such beautiful pictures of my son!

He is so beautiful.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Ray of Light

As many people are looking for work in central Oregon, I have finally found a part time job in an area I am passionate about, senior care. It is only part time right now and is still not enough to get all of our bills paid, but it is a start. Sparrow club of Sisters has been a God-send, and we have been able to use our funds there for the bills this last month. Thanks you so much to all of our friends in Sisters. Without you, we would be lost. I have the opportunity to test with Seattle Police in May, so keep your fingers crossed that the testing goes well there.
Christian is doing fantastic! He has learned many different sign language signs seeing as how he has refused to start talking outside of the typical mama, dada, nana, duck and yeah. He is sooooo smart. He loves his fishy "Dorothy #2" Dorothy #1 decided that it was time to take an upside down nap last week. Every morning when C wakes up, he points to Dorothy #2 and wants to feed her. What a responsible little guy! He had the flu pretty bad two weeks ago. I was so scared because from the day he was born, doctors have told us that even a cold or flu could kill him due to his severe heart condition. It took about a week for him to recover, and now that our carpets have been shampooed, things are much better. Please continue to keep his health in your prayers.
Another bit of wonderful news, a little baby boy with the same heart condition as Christian recently received a heart! Little Leighton Harper ( made it through his transplant surgery and has made it home! Please also keep him and his family in your prayers.
We had Christian's pictures done a couple of weeks ago, so please enjoy the new photos! Happy spring to everyone and be sure to hug and kiss your loved ones!

Isn't he just the most precious little guy!?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Hurdles to Jump

Well it has been a whirlwind of a week for us. I just finished up a handful of mid-terms as well as a testing session with the Oregon State Police. Mid-terms went well and testing with OSP could have gone better. Not only did Bryan wake up with a severe head cold, but myself, my friend Jenny and Bryan all failed the physical portion of the test. Oh well, we have an invitation to try again in September, so wish us luck!
Just as Bryan is getting over his cold, Christian has started coughing... poor guy... he has never had a cold before and the one going around this part of Oregon is especially brutal. We have taken him to get shots that help prevent him from getting RSV, so we are hoping it will just be a simple form of the common cold.

Along with all of the other millions of things going on, I am now looking for a new job. The coffee shop that I managed had to close it's doors. This economy is just too hard for most businesses to survive. Please keep the owners, six other employees and myself in your prayers as we are all trying to find employment in a town that has been sucked dry.

Christian has been growing like a weed (in my eyes) he is still just over 17 lbs, but he is all attitude! No matter what is going on, he has the biggest smile on his face. He is getting his eye teeth, which have been bleeding anytime he bites in to anything, he has had a fever and runny poop, but that does not keep him from being his usual goofy self. He has discovered that the baby in the mirror is himself! Yay! It is the funniest thing! He loves to kiss himself and make silly faces. He has been sleeping through the night which is awesome. For those of you saying "he's just now sleeping through the night" let me elaborate. Ever since he was born, he has had a feeding tube which we used to feed him throughout the day. At nights, he was hooked to a pump that fed him throughout the night. When the doctors told us that he no longer needed the feeding tube, his little body took about eight months to adjust to not getting food all of the time, so he is finally adjusted! Well, he is starting to wake up, so enjoy some new pictures and keep us in your prayers.

Just being himself

Silly boy

Trying to fatten him up a bit! Vanilla frosting!

Cutie bug

Sunday, January 11, 2009

14 Months!

We have had so much going on! I have once again started up with my criminal justice degree as well as placing my application in with the Oregon State Police! Yay! Back to school full time, working full time and raising a rambunctious little one year old is quite the life! He is now saying something new almost every day. Yesterday, when he was done eating his breakfast, he raised his arms and said "All done!" We're up to two word combos! He also says "dog", "hat", "hot" and "that". He'll point at anything and say, "that". He is just too darn cute! Still not too much luck in the hair growing department... but the hair that is there is blonde... where did that come from? We love using gel and giving him a mohawk. He is very in to brushing the eight teeth that he has. He has also entered in to the temper tantrum stage! Boy is it fun when he throws himself down and begins to kick and scream... ahhhhh, the joys of parenthood. In a way, it's kind of funny... I find myself trying to hide the smile that begins to inch across my face when he does this. Oh my goodness, and if anyone needs a kiss, he will gladly give you one... he will literally go around kissing EVERYTHING! What a lover. We hope that everyone has had a wonderful begining to their new year. Well, it's off to bed for the little one.


These pictures are from a babyshower we attended. Pictures courtesy of K.O. Photography

Me and my baby bug

He loves this little duck!

Sugar high!

Big brown doe eyes.