Baby Christian

Baby Christian
Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Found a Cute Picture!

Well, take out the goofy looking grandma and we have one super cute picture! Doesn't it look like he is giving that all innocent look? But we know better! I have discovered that I can take semi-ok pictures all by myself. I thought my arms were too stubby, but guess not.

Ohhhh... he had a doctors appt and he is now 12lbs 13oz and they took his feeding tube out. He is nose-noodle less now! YIPPEE!!!!! He is so cute.

Thanks for stopping in!

Grandma Whee


Denise said...

What a cute picture!! Yea! No nose noodle! How awesome is that?

Simonetta said...

Lovely,lovely.... absolutely lovely!!! Hugs

nwscrapmom said...

Yippee! No more nose noodle. I'm glad to hear he is doing so well. Very cute picture of the two of you.