Well, again I have no pictures. My camera is in Pappy's truck, but I decided to post anyway...
Well, we have found out some bad news recently. Christian was diagnosed by the neurologist with Cerebral Palsy. It is the mildest form, but sucks nonetheless! The doc says that really the only thing we may notice is Christian might show slight clumsiness. Hopefully we will be getting more info soon as we have contacted the United Cerebral Palsy organization and they gave us some contact numbers of local people to call.
We spent all of last week at Wickiup Reservoir. A great time was had by all! Christian got to come out one day and enjoyed the shade with Pappy while mommy and Grandma Whee fried their skin off sunning out on the lake. I am sure some skin with grow back now that the blisters are gone and I am slightly less lizard like.
Bryan is looking into some employment closer to home. Hopefully it will come to fruition. He sure is an awesome guy, probably a genius too. And talk about a looker!! Also there is talk of possibly a move to Sisters. I have my fingers crossed for that!
Well, that's about it for now. I will have Nicole add some pictures when she gets a chance.
Thanks for popping in!
Grandma Whee
Baby Christian

Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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I'm sorry to hear about the CP diagnosis. I'm sure that it is overwhelming with everything else you've been through. I am thankful to hear it is mild, although not having it at all would be the ideal thing! Thanks for the update... can't wait to see pictures.
Can't wait to see pictures of that little man! I am sorry about the CP. I am also kind of surprised by it. I only say that because of what our neurologist told us about Joshua. He was diagnosed with very mild CP last year and the last time we saw the neurologist he said he wouldn't label him with it just yet because kids that have it so mildly usually outgrow almost all symptoms by age 7. He told us we will probably always see it when he runs, etc, etc. He told us he might not be able to play sports because of being so clumsy, etc., etc. Joshua has adapted and overcome very well. He can do everything his brother and sister do, he just does them differently. The only time we really notice a huge difference is in running but he is still fast! Sorry for writing a book. I didn't know if you had seen my update after our last neurology visit so thought I would share where we are with it. Oh, the only thing the neurologist would diagnose definitively was PVL, periventricular luekomalacia(?). Which is the cause of like 90% of cases of spastic diplegia cp.
Praying for all of you!
I was just reading through the previous posts when I came to this one. Apparently "someone", I don't know who (hmmmmmmm) edited my post to add the fact that Bryan is quite the looker. So, just so y'all do not think I have something hookie going on with the son-in-law I have to say I did not write ALL of that!
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