A little spitfire at 17 lbs! Dynamite comes in small packages! He does not walk, he runs... EVERYWHERE! He is so curious too. Always opening everything he can, pushing and pulling things that move and "hiding" things. I have started teaching him to pick up his toys, so when he places a toy back in the toy box, I clap for him. He took that and applied it everywhere. He will take a toy and put in his drawer and then clap for himself! It is so cute! However, now I find his shoes in the potholder drawer, my keys in the bathtub and so on. Another new development is his first word other than mama, dada, baba and nana... Duck! It actually comes out Guck, but it is so cute! He had started saying ga ga ga. You know, "G"'s so I got out his rubber duck and now he runs around holding the duck saying "Guck! Guck! Guck!" Silly baby! He is also being weaned off bottles and mostly drinks out of his sippy cups. I couldn't love anyone more! He is my greatest accomplishment!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Love Mommy

Drinking out of a sippy cup and watching Elmo!

Chillin' in his bath robe! Thanks Auntie Lori!

He is also obsessed with headstands! Gotta love it!
Very cute! He is getting so big!
I haven't popped by for so long but I am thrilled that Christian is doing so well! Hope everything goes well in the coming years for him and you all!
Hi,My name is Devon and I came across your blog online. My daughter recently had a heart transplant and I am trying to find any information to help me help her to like milk and food!!!! did you struggle with this? If anything special worked will you please email me and let me know. She has had a feeding tube forever and is now 8 months old. Thank you so much....my email is devon460@yahoo.com and her website is www.caringbridge.org/visit/karleeannjenkins
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