Baby Christian

Baby Christian
Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Who can resist this face??? Not me!!!

Being as adorable as Christian cannot be easy! I am sure it is a full days work for him. He carries it all very well. The stress has got to be amazing.

Christian is turning one year old next month. That is shocking to me! It seems like just yesterday we were sitting with Nicole and Bryan while the doctors were giving them the choice to abort. A wise decision was made that day and look what we have! An adorable boy that is a complete joy to everyone who meets him!

Christian is such a wonderful addition to our family. He makes everyone smile and laugh. We could not imagine a world without him.

Christian is now 16 pounds! He is walking now and again although he would rather be carried! He is saying some words and trying new things all of the time. The doctor said he needs to start drinking out of a sippie cup with his meals now. I am telling you, he is growing up so fast!

So enjoy these pictures like we do. Know that we love this little man more than anyone can imagine. He is a gift to us and all who meet him.

Ohhhhh... Christian has been chosen to be the Sparrow Child at Sisters High School! Google Sparrow Clubs if you are unfamiliar with the organization. They are wonderful. I have supported the club for many years never realizing my grandson would be a Sparrow Child.

Love you all!!!!

Grandma Whee

Ain't I just adorable?

Konked out on dad. I drool a lot (like dad)

I will call him Mini Me!

What the heck is this thing over me?

Can I be any cuter??? I don't think so!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Steps

So our little one took his first steps on Sept. 11th! Yay! He is now pushing his little lawn mower toy around like crazy! He decided to pop out another tooth on the bottom. We're up to seven in there! He says mama and dada . He met his great grandma (GiGi) this week and loves her! This child is growing like a weed! He had just grown in to a size 6 moths this august and is now in size 9 months! Look out normal babies, Christian's catching up! Mommy got promoted to manager! Yay! And Daddy is on a quest for a police officer job. We are sooo excited to celebrate Christian's first Halloween... I'll surprise everyone with what he is when we post pictures. Well, I'll post a few new pictures and we'll write again soon.

Well, I can't get the pictures to upload, but I will try again tomorrow!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Indigo Child

I truly believe that there are children sent to this earth to teach us new and amazing things. Children who can see things we can't, know things we do not and will change this world in a more dramatic way than we could ever imagine. These children are being sent to help heal our wounded world and bring peace. Their gifts should not be ignored, but rather praised and encouraged.

While I was pregnant with Christian, I went to the state fair. While walking through a building, a woman sitting at a small table stopped me as I passed and said simply this, "Your son will change the world."

She knew nothing of his health nor did she know he was a he. I had never met this woman before. Chills ran down my spine, but I was touched.

That very same day, as I was walking around outside, a man in a wheelchair stopped me and asked if he could touch my stomach. I had been asked this many times, and never minded, so I let him. He reached out his hand to touch my stomach and shut his eyes. When he let go, he look up at me and said, "This little boy is very special. He will do amazing things. Thank you." Again, this man knew nothing of his condition nor that I was carrying a son.

Ever since Christian was born, he has attracted abnormal amounts of attention. He has developed months past normal children his age and has been said to be too attentive for a child his age. His eyes are so deep and feel as if they have seen many lives before this one. He is an old soul.

My son is a miracle, there is no question about that, but there is so much more to him. He is on this earth for a reason, as we all are, yet I can't help but feel that his purpose is much greater. He will change our world. The indigo children are here to bring love, peace, humanity and wisdom to our planet.