Christian and I went with Gramma Sharon to visit her horse Quinn. It was 80 degrees and perfect for riding! It was a bit too hot for Christian at first, so he go to lounge around in his diaper while Gramma and I took turns riding. We all had a blast! The weather cooled a bit and the wind picked up, so we called it a day and Quinn back to groom him and let him back out in the field. Christian had sooooo much fun! He loved petting the horses and even gave Quinny a kiss! It was adorable! After a warm day at the ranch, we decided to grab some dinner at Applebees and then settle down for the night.
Grammy Whee left for her cruise yesterday, and Great Grandpa Rex is in town. I think that I'm going to go visit Bryan in Denver this Friday and come back Sunday. Christian can't fly for another 4 weeks. But after that, we plan on doing a lot of traveling this summer. We're planning on visiting at least Hawaii and D.C. Free airline tickets are great!
Christian is trying to pop his first tooth through... and he's been such a gem as you can imagine! He may only have half of a heart, but boy his lungs sure work great! He is eating solid foods a couple times a day now and is doing so well with it! What a big boy! We'll talk to you guys soon!