We left for Portland yesterday at 6 in the morning. Christian's first appointment was at 11:30 and we were out of there by three. Everything is looking wonderful for his next surgery. We drove around Portland until we found Washington Square where we just HAD to stop at Build A Bear and make Christian a triceratops! We have lovingly named it Hegleck...yes, Hegleck. (That was one of Christian's first sounds.) He LOVES his dino! We got our room at Ronald McDonald, took a nap and Auntie Ashy and uncle Joshy (My friends from high school) picked us up and we all had a great dinner. We had so much fun last night and Christian was such a good boy. We didn't get back to our room until 10:30, so little one was very sleepy. Unfortunately, with babies, being really tired doesn't always mean that they will sleep! He was up a lot last night! Mostly because he was hungry, but he couldn't eat anything because of his heart cath today! Poor guy! He has been starving all morning! I feel so bad. He is in the operating room right now having a pretty simple procedure done. They are threading a camera to his heart through his femoral artery. He should be done in a couple of hours. Surgery is Tuesday and we're hoping to be back home by the 21st. Keep your fingers crossed! Please keep our little trooper in your thoughts. We'll keep you updated!

Enjoying his exersaucer!

Taking his first drink of the good stuff!

Daddy, Christian and Hegleck

Keeping his eye on Whitney (the echo tech)

Getting an EKG

Busy day, but still big smiles!
Sportin' the "gown"
Just realized that he's going to get poked...again!
Much better after some special medicine!
I miss my little guy! Give him a hug and tell him Grandma Whee and Pappy will be there on Monday night. And tell him to quit giving those lovey dovey eyes to Whitney! Those looks are for me!
He's so adorable. There are some *very* cute pictures here!
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