Baby Christian

Baby Christian
Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Look what I found this morning...

This morning Christian has made a remarkable move to being better! After taking out the breathing tube last night, they took out the drain tubes this morning along with the IV they had in his neck. He was crying and as soon as Nicole came in he quit. Now he is enjoying being held by mommy. I am planning on spending the night with him to make sure he has someone familiar with him. But he sure looks good! He will be moved up to the 9th floor later today for the remainder of his recovery. I cannot tell you how excellent he is doing and looking! Everyone is amazed! I will post later today when we move and give you all the new room number...

Grandma Whee

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Great pictures...I am sure glad he is doing so well! Thanks for keeping me (and everyone else) updated.

Grandma Jeanne