Baby Christian

Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
News from Nov 27th
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Pigs in Space?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

This evening Christian was extubated! How exciting to see his adorable little face again. He still has a nasal cannula for supplemental oxygen and the feeding tube, but not the huge tube up the nose and lots of tape. He is sooooo cute. I got a few pictures of him with his eyes open. And even a few pictures with his crazy hair sticking straight up. I got a funny faced one also that I just had to put on. He is doing so much better today than last night. He did not have very many odd beats today and seemed to be more comfortable. His color was fantastic and he was more alert. What a nice thing. I have to go home tomorrow. That is going to be so hard. I will post as I get news. Please keep checking back
Grandma Whee
Doing better
Grandma Whee
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thrown a curve
Send those prayers and well wishes our way please. We need em'!
Grandma Whee
Meeting more of the family...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Nov. 21 1:05 pm
Yes, there is a baby in there!
Today Christian had the procedure to close his chest. While I do have a picture of the procedure (taken by an OR nurse) I will not post it here as it may be too much for most of you. I do have the picture of post closure and he looks wonderful!
They have begun utilizing "Beanie Babies" as props for his legs and all the tubes. It is pretty cute seeing him surrounded by toys. I think he may be comforted a bit also even though he is sedated. They are soft and warm not cold and hard like everything in his bed.
Dave, Kady and my mom are going to be here today to see the baby. I am excited to see them. I will be going home on Sunday so the postings here will slow down a bit. Hopefully you will all keep checking in.
I am going to go and grab some lunch. Bye for now...
Grandma Whee
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Nov. 20 update 7:30 pm
Nov 20 update 10:45
Grandma Whee
Nov. 20th 6:15 am
Grandma Whee
Monday, November 19, 2007
He is in his room now
Update 2:16 pm
Grandma Whee
update at 1:13 pm
update at 11:16 am
Grandma Whee
Surgery day Nov. 19
It is a cold and rainy day. Hopefully not indicative of things to come! Of course we are worried beyond belief! Nicole is holding herself together very well and has cried just a few times already. I had my little melt down about an hour ago. Bryan has had some tears but has been a trooper. Bryans mom has been the strong one so far. What a woman!
Nicole just back and things are going very good. Christian went under anesthesia just fine. They started 2 IV lines, one in each ankle. Ouch! When he got to the surgery suite he was looking all around and did not cry at all. What a big boy!
I will update after the next update around 11:30.
Check back!
Grandma Whee
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Nov. 18th

Christian got his first bath this evening! Typical for a boy, he did not enjoy it. Not one bit! And he let us know about it too. He yelled and squealed so loud! It was so nice to hear. Of course we say that now. Wait for a few months and see if we still think it is cute! I was so happy to see his eyeballs! We had not seen them before. They are a real nice shade of blue. Hopefully they will stay that way. One of the pictures I put on has him making a funny face. I thought he looked shocked. It was so cute.
He is going in first thing in the morning for the surgery. They will be taking him at 7:00 am. We are all nervous as heck, but know things will be fine. We will be in the PICU at Doernbechers for a few weeks and then moved back to the NICU at OHSU again for a few weeks before coming home for a month or so before his next surgery.

Grandma Whee

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just showing Christians cuteness again!

Today Christian was sleepy. His oxygen levels had been going pretty low all night and this morning. He improved all day long and when I left this evening he had been having sat's in the 90's! It was so nice to see such a fantastic improvement. He even smirked once and I managed to catch it on the camera as shown here. He is just such a cutie. He still has tons of tubes coming out everywhere but the nurse does a great job of hiding them. And I have to say that the nurses and doctors we have had here have been so incredable and nice. They are truely a lifeline for us. They have answered questions, given us great advice, and of course helped Nicole and Bryan emotionally with such caring support. They are just wonderful.
Now, Christian is scheduled for his first BIG surgery on Monday morning. It is an open heart surgery. In a nutshell, this is what is going to happen: They will take the aorta and attach it to the right side of the heart. This will enable the right side to support flow pressure. But to get things going in the right directions they will be building a stent with donor material. The surgery itself will take between 5 and 7 hours. He will need 2 additional surgeries to complete the "reconstruction" of the heart. His next surgery will be when he is 4 months old. His third will be when he is 18 months old. Hopefully this will sustain him indefinately. If he starts to decline health wise he will require a total heart transplant. That was great news since we thought that a transplant was going to be definate. But if he does well he may not need one.
So, there you go. Thats todays news. Good news I think. Check back tomorrow and I will have more for you!
Grandma Whee

Nov. 17th morning
Nicole was so excited also because her milk came in! Men, sorry about that. But all of us mommies know wonderful that is! She was thrilled.
I guess I am still trying to catch up on lost sleep. I went to bed about 10:30 and did not get up until 8:40 this morning! What a lazy head I am!
I am off to the shower and then to the hospital. I will post pics and news from today later. Thanks for checking on us!
Grandma Whee
Friday, November 16, 2007
Nov. 16th
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Nicole's new project
It's free!
Nov. 15th
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
He is here! (forgotten stuff!)
He's Here!!!!

I am sorry if the umbilical IV bothers some of you, but we wanted to show what all is going on with Christian.
Anyway, here are the stats!
Born November 13, 2007 at 4:56 pm.
He is 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. He had perfect APGAR scores!
This evening Christian was placed on a ventilator and will have the first surgery Friday or Monday. He will have a heart cathetar placed tomorrow. I will be taking more pictures and updating as soon as I can tomorrow for all of you anxiously awaiting!
Take care and check back soon!
Grandma Whee