Well, Christian is always battling one thing or another it seems! He is once again collecting fluid around his lungs and also not oxygenating his blood in the capacity they would like to see. So, they put the "pig snout" over his nose and a special hat to hold the tubes where they need to be. They call this contraption "Pigs in Space". I guess they need to do something cute now and again to keep their sanity! This is making him oxygenate better now and even helping to reduce the amount of fluid in his chest cavity. If there is not a significant reduction they may insert the drain tubes again. YIKES!
It appears that the heparin is working. Last I heard they thought that the clot was shrinking. That would be a huge thing for him!
I have tried calling the hospital for an update for today and no one is answering phones, so all this info is from yesterday. It is killing me not being there! I will be so excited when he comes home sometime in December.
Ohhhh, is that not the cutest picture of Christian holding daddy's hand???? Gotta love it!
Grandma Whee
Thanks for keeping this updated. I keep checking for updates and they mean a lot. We are worried about the little guy all the time. Make sure you take care of yourselves. too, Nicole and Bryan. It won't do any good for you two to get sick. Take care and remember our thoughts are with you always.
Grandpa Rex and Grandma Jeanne
Hey Gramma Whee - It is so great to see the swelling out of Christian's face and fewer tubes. It looks like the feeding tube is still gone. Do you know if he is bottle feeding? Also, do you know if he is heavily sedated again like he was when he was intubated? Or is he just sleeping in that latest picture? I got so many comments today at work about how cute he is! One girl said she didnt know that new babies could actually be cute. Before seeing our Christian, she thought all new babies were homely!! Not Christian, that is for sure! Hope you are resting up after a long, but happy, two weeks in Portland! See you soon,
The Other Gramma, Sharon
Thanks for the update, Denise. I'm sure it is hard for you not being in Portland. I know I'm not family, but the updates mean a lot to me, too. Sounds like another bump in the road for the little guy, but it sounds like he has an awesome staff keeping watch over him and taking care of things as they arise. He's such a little fighter. I know God has some big plans for that little guy! We're praying (as always). Stay strong... wish I were there to chat with you in person.
I am glad you are still updating often. I know it must be killing you not being there. He is still cute as button.
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