Today Christian was sleepy. His oxygen levels had been going pretty low all night and this morning. He improved all day long and when I left this evening he had been having sat's in the 90's! It was so nice to see such a fantastic improvement. He even smirked once and I managed to catch it on the camera as shown here. He is just such a cutie. He still has tons of tubes coming out everywhere but the nurse does a great job of hiding them. And I have to say that the nurses and doctors we have had here have been so incredable and nice. They are truely a lifeline for us. They have answered questions, given us great advice, and of course helped Nicole and Bryan emotionally with such caring support. They are just wonderful.
Now, Christian is scheduled for his first BIG surgery on Monday morning. It is an open heart surgery. In a nutshell, this is what is going to happen: They will take the aorta and attach it to the right side of the heart. This will enable the right side to support flow pressure. But to get things going in the right directions they will be building a stent with donor material. The surgery itself will take between 5 and 7 hours. He will need 2 additional surgeries to complete the "reconstruction" of the heart. His next surgery will be when he is 4 months old. His third will be when he is 18 months old. Hopefully this will sustain him indefinately. If he starts to decline health wise he will require a total heart transplant. That was great news since we thought that a transplant was going to be definate. But if he does well he may not need one.
So, there you go. Thats todays news. Good news I think. Check back tomorrow and I will have more for you!
Grandma Whee

1 comment:
What a great family pic. He is so very cute.
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