Baby Christian

Baby Christian
Christian was born with two very rare congenital heart defects; Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Endocardial Fibroelastosis (EFE) He will require three (two down, one to go!) open-heart surgeries to sustain life. He is a miracle and a blessing. We are so greatful to have him here with us. Thank you for stopping in. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today is Christians first Thanksgiving! You can probably figure out what we are thankful for here!
Last night Christian was visited for the first time by Great Grandma Sharon. Kady also came for a visit and was not scared by seeing all the tubes. Grandpa Dave was amazed by his grandson, as usual.
Today we will be here at the hospital for a few hours and then will go to visit Uncle Darrell, Aunt Kristin, Clara, Grandpa Rex and Grandma Jeanne for a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
So, have a great dinner! Thanks for stopping in!
Grandma Whee


Anonymous said...

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. What a handsome little guy you two have, we are looking forward to meeting him. He's strong and has many prayers on his side, he will be home before you know it.


Darrin and Pam

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving you guys. I too am thankful for Christian and his strong little body for going through everything he has. You have an amazing little boy.

nwscrapmom said...

:) Must've felt good having your mom, Dave, & Kady there. Thanks for sharing the pictures! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!

Simonetta said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
A great Thanksgiving to God for this great gift that is Christian!Have a great day :)))Hugssss